
公司合规性 & 质量保证 Department at Oswego Industries ensures that the programs and services provided to the individuals are of quality and are provided in accordance with state and federal regulations.

参考 劳工部幸运28论坛举报人雇员权利的通知(第740号通知). 

根据第14(c)条支付低于最低工资的残疾工人的材料, 他们的家庭, 和监护人: 本网站为残障人士提供资讯及连结, 他们的家庭, 和监护人, 帮助他们了解自己在工作场所的权利. 而雇主有责任遵守所有适用的劳动法, 让员工了解这些法律及其影响是很重要的: http://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/workers-with-disabilities/workers


Oswego Industries strives to support people with disabilities in the best way possible. Regular staff education and training are critical components in ensuring that our employees are prepared to complete their job responsibilities and provide support and services in the manner expected.


奥斯威戈工业致力于提供优质的服务, maintaining fiscal stability and conducting business in a manner that promotes compliance with all laws and regulations that govern the services we provide.

为了做到这一点, 我们努力保持透明度, 问责制, 与所有利益相关者进行有效的沟通.  我们强调所有员工, 供应商, 董事会成员, 承包商, 项目参与者, and others associated with Oswego Industries play an important role in ensuring a culture of honesty and integrity. 公司合规性 Officer ensures reports are handled confidentially and investigates potential compliance violations. 公司合规性 Committee meets routinely to review the activities of the Compliance Department and ensure any appropriate corrective actions are taken when necessary.

The prompt reporting of corporate compliance concerns by employees and others associated with Oswego Industries is important so that we can provide services and supports that are of the highest quality. T在这里 are a variety of options for reporting a known or suspected 公司合规 violation, 包括:

  • 联系公司合规官 315-856-8164 或通过 电子邮件
  • 向企业合规热线举报 315-887-5950 (匿名的选项)
  • 通过点击完成在线提交表格 在这里



Oswego Industries is committed to preserving the privacy of the personal health information (PHI) of every individual who receives our services. Oswego Industries’ 质量保证 and 公司合规 Department ensure that our agency strictly ad在这里s to the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). 我们的 privacy policies protect the confidentiality of health information for all of the people we serve. 我们的 私隐实务通知 解释我们所服务的人的权利和我们在法律下的义务. 虽然我们可能会不时修改我们的通知, any revision will apply to all records that we have created or maintained in the past, 以及我们将来可能创建或维护的任何记录.


All Reportable Incidents and Notable Occurrences in programs certified/funded by OPWDD at Oswego Industries are reported and thoroughly investigated in accordance with 14 NYCRR Part 624 Regulations. We are committed to ensuring that appropriate corrective action has been taken in order to minimize the potential for the recurrence of the same or similar situations.

The Protection for People with Special Needs Act was passed in December 2012 and established the NYS Justice Center. 6月30日起, 2013, mandated reporters are required to report to the Vulnerable Persons Central Register (VPCR) if they have reasonable cause to suspect a Reportable Incident in a program certified, 由一些国家监督机构许可或经营, 包括OPWDD. 电话号码是 1-855-373-2122.

除了, we also ensure the prompt reporting of certain events or situations that occur outside the auspices of Oswego Industries, 符合14 NYCRR Part 625. Oswego Industries intervenes by taking actions to protect the involved individuals who receive services from the agency. 这些行动包括, but are not limited to: notifications to an appropriate party that may be in a position to address the event or situation; offering to make referrals to appropriate service providers; interviewing involved parties; assessing and monitoring the individual; reviewing records and other relevant documentation; and educating the individual about his or her choices and options regarding the matter. 我们的事件审查委员会对事件进行审查和监督.


乔纳森定律, 5月5日颁布的, 2007, requires a more extensive notification and disclosure process for all Reportable Incidents & “合格方”的重大事件(1).e. 监护人、父母、配偶、成年子女或成年兄弟姐妹). The notification and disclosure requirements apply to events or situations which occur under the auspices of the agency, 而且必须通过电话或亲自, 事件发生或发现后24小时内.

The agency will complete and send out a “Report on Actions Taken” to address the incident within 10 days of incident occurrence or discovery. This report will inform the receiving party what actions the agency has taken to protect the individual and address the situation.

The “Qualified Party” may request (a) Meeting with a QA Representative to discuss the incident and (b) Redacted copy of the incident report. 删节过的副本意味着所有的名字, 位置, 其他识别信息被删除以保持机密性. 这将在收到书面要求后的10天内完成.

 最后,“合格方”可要求(c)经编辑的调查副本. This applies to Reportable (Abuse/Neglect) cases only and will be mailed out within 21 days of case closure by the agency’s Incident Review Committee. 这是奥斯威戈工业公司的政策. to ensure all of the 乔纳森定律 requirements are met as per the time frames outlined above.

所有请求必须以书面形式填写 form.


  • 奥斯威戈工业公司.’s 正当程序和申诉政策.
  • 奥斯威戈工业公司.事件管理策略,符合OPWDD的监管要求.
  • 雇员保护通知 报复 劳工部
  • OPWDD的“了解事故”– This provides an overview of OPWDD’s expectations regarding incidents and explains the roles of qualified persons and other involved parties in advocating on behalf of the people we serve.
  • OPWDD的624和625条例– 除了, t在这里 are a number of guidance documents on OPWDD’s 事件管理 Page. 您也可以查看14 NYCRR 624和625法规 纽约法典、规则和条例.
  • 委任记者通知-由纽约司法中心开发
  • 《幸运28论坛》– This document was developed by the Justice Center and sets forth a framework intended to assist impacted employees to help people with special needs live self-directed, 在他们的社区过着有意义的生活, 没有虐待和忽视, 保护自己免受伤害.
  • 道德守则——来自全国直接支持专业人员联盟.

如果你想要一份奥斯威戈工业公司的硬拷贝.事故管理政策或程序和/或第624部分法规的副本, 请与公司合规官联系 315-856-8164